London Bridge is Falling Down

Nursery rhyme
First published in 1744
Unknown originator

First verse:
London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down,
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady.


London Bridge is Falling Down guitar tab and notes (pdf)

tabs tabs & notes


London Bridge is Falling Down instrumental guitar (mp3)

London Bridge is Falling Down - guitar tab, notes, chords and lyrics

“London Bridge is Falling Down”, or simply “London Bridge”, is well-known nursery rhyme. According to an old illustration, the song includes six verses, but in many modern versions only one verse is presented. The lyrics presented below is one of many variations that have emerged since the song was originally published.

The music transcriptions of the song with tabs and notes are available for download as PDFs. It's free for personal use only.

London Bridge is Falling Down (full accompaniment)

"London Bridge is Falling Down" for guitar with full accompaniment. Free download in pdf-file and audio.

London Bridge is Falling Down guitar accompaniment

London Bridge is Falling Down for flute

"London Bridge is Falling Down" for flute in the key of C. Free download in pdf-file and audio.

London Bridge is Falling Down flute

London Bridge is Falling Down (only melody)

“London Bridge is Falling Down” standard and tablature notation for guitar presented as an image.

London Bridge is Falling Down notes and tabs

Tips on how to learn this song

“London Bridge is Falling Down” includes only eight notes and it's easy to spot some repeating patterns. In the guitar version above of the melody, only three strings are involved, which makes the memorization easier. The challenge is to play the piece in its fast tempo.

Lyrics and chords

London Bridge is Falling Down chords in the key of C
(C)London Bridge is falling down,
(G)Falling down, (C)falling down,
(C)London Bridge is falling down,
(G)My fair (C)lady.

London Bridge is Falling Down chords in the key of D
(D)London Bridge is falling down,
(A)Falling down, (D)falling down,
(D)London Bridge is falling down,
(A)My fair (D)lady.

Key, time, tuning and tempo

"London Bridge is Falling Dow" belongs obviously in the category simple songs, which is proved from the fact that it only involves two chords.

Information about "London Bridge is Falling Down" considering musical key, time signature, tuning and bpm.

Key signature music symbol


The presented version of London Bridge is Falling Down is played in the key of D.

Time signature music symbol

Time signature

The song is played in 2/4 tempo (counted one, two, one, two for each measure).

Tuning overview


The song is normally played in standard tuning (EADGBE).

BPM symbol and numbers

Tempo (BPM)

The tempo in beats per minute is 100 for the presented version.

Tags: Flute