O Come All Ye Faithful - guitar tab, notes, chords and lyrics
"O Come All Ye Faithful" is often attributed to the English hymnist John Francis Wade, but the originator is not fully sure. The song was originally in Latin, but was translated by reverend Frederick Oakeley in the 19th century. "O Come All Ye Faithful" is translated to many languages (German: "Herbei, o ihr Gläubigen!", Español: "Venid, adoremos", Français: "Venez tous" etc.). On Churchofjesuschrist.org you can find notes and lyrics in over twenty different languages.
The music transcriptions of the song with tabs and notes are available for download as PDFs. It's free for personal use only.
O Come All Ye Faithful (only melody)
"O Come All Ye Faithful" standard and tablature notation for guitar.
Tips on how to learn this song
The melody in the tab is played in the key of G. It is also played in open position, which means open strings are used together with notes on the first four frets. Being aware of that only three of the middle strings are involved will make you learn the song faster.
Lyrics and chords
O Come All Ye Faithful chords in the key of G
Verse 1:
(G)O Come all ye (D)faithful (G)joy(D)ful (G)and (C)tri(G)um(D)phant,
(Em)O come (A)ye, O (D)come ye (G)to (D)Beth(A7)le(D)hem.
(G)Come and (C)behold (G)him,
(D)Born the (A)king of (D)angels:
O (G)come, let us (D)a(G)dore him,
O (G)come, let us (C)adore (D)him,
O (C)come, (G)let (Am)us (G)a(D)dore (G)him,(C)
(G)Christ(D) the (G)Lord.
Verse 2:
(G)O sing, choirs of (D)angels,
(G)sing (D)in (G)ex(C)ul(G)ta(D)tion,
(Em)Sing all (A)ye (D)citizens (G)of (D)heav(A7)en a(D)bove.
(G)Glory (C)to (G)God (D)in (A)the (D)highest:
O (G)come, let us (D)a(G)dore him,
O (G)come, let us (C)adore (D)him,
O (C)come, (G)let (Am)us (G)a(D)dore (G)him,(C)
(G)Christ(D) the (G)Lord.
Verse 3:
(G)All hail! Lord, we (D)greet thee,
(G)born (D)this (G)hap(C)py (G)mor(D)ning,
O (Em)Jes(A)us! for (D)evermore (G)be (D)thy (A7)name a(D)dored.
(G)Word of (C)the (G)Father, (D)now (A)in flesh (D)appearing:
O (G)come, let us (D)a(G)dore him,
O (G)come, let us (C)adore (D)him,
O (C)come, (G)let (Am)us (G)a(D)dore (G)him,(C)
(G)Christ(D) the (G)Lord.
Poetic and archaic words:
ye = you
thy = your
O Come All Ye Faithful chords (version with fewer chords)
Verse 1:
(G)O Come all ye (D)faithful
(G)joyful and trium(D)phant,
(Em)O come (A)ye, O (D)come ye to Beth(A7)le(D)hem.
(G)Come and (C)behold (G)him, (D)born the (A)king of (D)angels:
O (G)come, let us (D)a(G)dore him,
O (G)come, let us (C)adore (D)him,
O (C)come, (G)let (Am)us (G)adore him,(C)
(G)Christ(D) the (G)Lord.
Verse 2:
(G)O Sing, choirs of (D)angels,
(G)sing in exulta(D)tion,
(Em)Sing all (A)ye (D)citizens of heav(A7)en a(D)bove.
(G)Glory (C)to (G)God (D)in (A)the (D)highest:
O (G)come, let us (D)a(G)dore him,
O (G)come, let us (C)adore (D)him,
O (C)come, (G)let (Am)us (G)adore him,(C)
(G)Christ(D) the (G)Lord.
Verse 3:
(G)All Hail! Lord, we (D)greet thee,
(G)born this happy mor(D)ning,
O (Em)Jes(A)us! for (D)evermore be thy (A7)name a(D)dored.
(G)Word of (C)the (G)Father, (D)now (A)in flesh (D)appearing:
O (G)come, let us (D)a(G)dore him,
O (G)come, let us (C)adore (D)him,
O (C)come, (G)let (Am)us (G)adore him,(C)
(G)Christ(D) the (G)Lord.
The versions with lyrics and chords are presented for this song since there are many chords that shifting fast in the main version. The text can differ among various versions for this song.
These are the keys that the song would transpose in depending on which fret the capo is put:
- Capo 1: G# / Ab major
- Capo 2: A major
- Capo 3: A# / Bb major
- Capo 4: B major
- Capo 5: C major
Key, time, tuning and tempo
Information about "O Come All Ye Faithful" considering musical key, time signature, tuning and bpm.

The presented version of "O Come All Ye Faithful" is played in the key of G.

Time signature
The song is played in 4/4 tempo (counted one, two, three, four for each measure).

The song is normally played in standard tuning (EADGBE).

Tempo (BPM)
The tempo in beats per minute is 105 for the presented version.